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Dr. Alphonso is licensed in New York, South Carolina, and Florida. He has helped many people regain their health and go on to enjoy the things they love to do.
Since my childhood, I suffered from constipation, terrible seasonal allergies, digestive issues, skin and upper respiratory infections all being treated with medications. As I entered my teen years, allergies and digestive issues became more prevalent despite medications, exercising and seeing a multitude of medical specialists. Needless to say my health was not improving.
In early 20’s, my health still declined but now I had a new mystery illness that would come every few months with high fevers for a week or two and end up in the emergency room with multiple test run but, to no avail doctors could not give me a diagnosis. This was frustrating as now I had a young family. I often asked myself if this was going to be my new norm, being sick and no hope as to how to fix it.
Fast forward 10 years, I graduated from New York Chiropractic College. At that time I had attended a nutrition workshop in which I then found my answers to achieving health, nutrition! These answers would significantly change my health and life and that of my family.
A little about my family, my 2 year old son suffered from terrible digestive issues as well as eczema that covered his entire body. He also suffered with horrible constipation from birth. But, I knew that he wouldn't have to suffer as I did, his health story would be different. As for my wife, she suffered from digestive issues, weight, gain, PMS, joint pain and fatigue. She went to several specialists and tried different therapies but nothing helped.
Nutrition and chiropractic compliment each other along a clean, diet. Our health has never been better.
There is hope!
Dr. Anthony Alphonso DC
If your health issues are interfering with your life, family, work…then maybe it's time to look for something different.